According to the gospel of Matthew, the last thing Jesus said to His disciples was "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) Since that day, followers of Jesus Christ have indicated their allegiance to Jesus Christ by submitting to the ritual of baptism. As a matter of historical fact, every person in the book of Acts who became a Christian was immediately baptized. Indeed, it is reported that entire families were baptized into the faith.
We are baptized because Jesus was, and because He instructed us, and because in baptism, we receive the sign that we have been received into the Kingdom.
The word "baptize" literally means to immerse or dip under water. It is the best way to picture the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we go down into the water, we are picturing Jesus’ death and burial. As we come up out of the water, we are picturing His resurrection to new life. But there have always been other ways to be baptized.
At College Church, we perform baptisms in 3 different ways.
Immersion- dunking underwater in a tub
Pouring- pouring of water over your head as you kneel at the altar
Sprinkle- a sprinkling of water over your head
Everyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ should be baptized and we believe it is appropriate for parents who desire their children to be raised in the Christian faith to baptize their children.