At College Church, we seek to care for our congregation in a comprehensive way. As we navigate life together, there are hard moments - the loss of a loved one, a difficult health journey, and anxiety about life circumstances. We seek to provide encouragement and support through prayer, intentional visits and phone calls. We seek to provide practical help by tending to needs like coordinating meal trains and car rides. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
We didn’t need a lot, but whenever something was needed, the Prayer & Care Team, or the church itself, through meal trains, prayer, and other things were there for us.
—Jim Rankin
Our Prayer and Care Team meets regularly to pray for the needs and concerns of the individuals who make up the community of College Church and express care in the appropriate way. Prayer unites us through the Holy Spirit and the result is a sense of togetherness that flows naturally into care for each other.
Some of the ways we do this include:
Spend time in prayer together for the specific prayer initiative for each month.
Write encouragement notes, appreciation cards, and create treat bags to show care to those being prayed for.
Visit and pray with those who are homebound or in care facilities.
Visit and pray with those who are sick in the hospital.
Organize meal trains for those who have experienced loss or are recovering from surgery.
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Jen Johnson
Pastoral Care Pastor